Public Financial Management for Non-Financial Managers
The aim of the course is to provide people who are not trained financial specialists yet are required to, or have an interest in, understanding and interpreting corporate financial information, with the necessary skills to do so. It is specially targeted at middle managers or aspiring middle managers from all non-financial spheres of the organization.
This course would also be particularly suited to bookkeepers who wish to take their skills to the next level. Also, general finance department personnel who wish to understand the bigger corporate financial picture and move up the ranks within the finance department would find this course particularly useful.
Finally, entrepreneurs and business owners with little to no financial expertise and who rely on other people to prepare their financial information would be able to utilize the knowledge gained on this course to keep tabs on their financial assistants
Course Outcomes:
- The PFMA and the Statutory Framework for Public Financial Management
- Structures and Role-Players in Public Financial Management
- Role of the Public Manager in Public Financial Management
- Planning and Budgeting in the Public Sector
- The National and Provincial Revenue Funds
- Management of Revenue, Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities (Real)
- Loans and Guarantees
- Government Accounting Requirements
- Preferential Procurement and the Supply Chain Management Framework
- Risk Management
- Internal Control and Internal Auditing
- Performance Measurement and Management
- In-Year and Annual Monitoring and Reporting for Accountability
- Financial Misconduct in the Public Sector
Upon successful completion of the 4-day study programme and internal assessments, candidates will be awarded the short course in Public Financial Management aligned to PFB100