Integrating and Managing Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality (SHEQ) Audits
The International Labour Standards (ILO) on Occupational Safety and Health Constitution sets forth the principle that workers should be protected from sickness, disease and injury arising from their employment. According to ILO estimates, a worker dies from a work-related accident or disease every 15 seconds. Every day, some 6,300 workers die from occupational accidents or work-related diseases, amounting to more than 2.3 million deaths a year. Furthermore, over 313 million workers suffer non-fatal occupational injuries each year, or in other words 860,000 people are injured on the job every day. In addition to the tremendous human cost, estimates have identified the significant economic impact of inadequate occupational safety and health: 4 per cent of total global gross domestic product is lost annually (equivalent to US$2.8 trillion) by costs related to lost working time, interruptions in production, treatment of occupational injuries and diseases, rehabilitation and compensation. In this respect, Yet many of these tragedies are preventable through the implementation of sound prevention, reporting and inspection practices. Standards on occupational safety and health provide essential tools for governments, employers, and workers to establish such practices and to provide for maximum safety at work. Organisations with a strong and viable Health, Safety and Security culture typically experience fewer at risk behaviours, incidents, emergencies and crises; consequently, they also experience lower accident rates, lower staff turn-over, lower absenteeism but higher productivity.
• Importance of International Standardization
• Define ISO and the Importance thereof
• Role of ISO in Risk Management
• Requirements of ISO and Implementation of some ISO standards
• ISO 31000 – Risk Management and Risk and Opportunities
• ISO 45001 – Health and Safety Management System and Audits
• ISO 9001 – Quality Management System Requirements and Audits
• ISO 14001 – Environment Management System Requirements and Audits
• ISO 19011 – Auditor and steps in the SHEQ/ IMS Auditing process
• Understanding Audit systems
• Following the auditing process and auditing instruments
• Conducting an audit
• Writing an Audit Report and Taking Corrective Action
• Industrial Hygiene Inspectors
• OHS Managers
• Safety Managers
• SHE Managers
• Health & Safety Reps
• SHEQ Consultants
• System Standard Specialist
• Risk Managers
• HSE Manager
• SHERQ Manager
• Senior Management Working with Safety Managers
• Auditors and Assessors in Quality Systems and
Health and Safety Management Systems
NQF Level 5, with 20 credits towards a Diploma in Management. A Competency certificate can be earned, subject to successful completion of the POE/ Assessment in the specified period stipulated at the event. If a participant chooses not to complete the assessment, he/she will receive a certificate of attendance only.
Our Accreditation Partner
In terms of the Higher Education Act, all courses and programmes offered by Business Schools resort under the Council on Higher Education’s Quality Committee (CHE QC) for assessment and quality-assurance purposes. All courses offered by Southern Business School are registered through the prescribed higher education processes and are subject to internal quality assurance processes as far as moderation, assessment and accreditation are concerned. When short courses are aligned to modules of formal academic programmes of Southern Business School, or SAQA Registered Unit standards, they are credit-bearing short courses. This status is also described in the Criterion Guideline document for Short Courses” from SAQA
Frans NJF Van LoggerenbergMSc: Occupational Safety & Health, BTech: Safety Management, National Diploma: Safety Management
MSc: Occupational Safety & Health, BTech: Safety Management, National Diploma: Safety Management