Public Supply Chain and Bid Committees
The Preferential Procurement Regulations 2022 have been implemented on 16 January 2023. All the new Preferential Procurement Regulations 2022 will be addressed including practical examples. The new Preferential Procurement Regulations 2022 has completely done away with the compulsory B-BBEE requirements. The new Preferential Procurement Regulations 2022 only addresses which preferential point system (either 80/20 or 90/10 Preference Point System) must be used in evaluating tenders. These two Preference Points Systems are based on the value of the tender.
Course Outcomes
- Elements of the SCM model
- Role-Players in the bid committee system
- Main Legislative Acts and Regulations
- Prescripts of the National Treasury
- Code of Conduct for Supply Chain Management Practitioners
- Comparisons of the functions of bid committees
- Framework to Assess Performance of Bid Committees
- Demand Management Process
- Drafting Specifications for Goods
- Decisions by the Bid Adjudication Committee Concerning Amendment of Contracts
Upon successful completion of the 5-day study programme and internal assessments, candidates will be awarded the short course in Public Supply Chain Management aligned to PSC300
Short Course: Three Bid Committees and Supply Chain Management (PSC 300) and aligned to SAQA US ID 337061
(Demonstrate knowledge and insight into a bid committee system applicable to an Organ of State in South Africa)
NQF Level 5, 15 Credits