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Occupational Directed Education Training and Development Practices

SAQA ID: 50334 National Certificate Level: 5 Credits: 120 Duration: 1 Year

Much of the needed skills development goals and objectives are carried out by people who have knowledge and skills within their area of expertise, but lack the required skills in relation to ETD. Many of the skills development objectives, nationally and within companies and organisations, are met through the efforts of ETD practitioners operating at NQF Level 5, and this certificate addresses the key competencies of such practitioners.

  1. Communicate in a variety of ETD settings.
  2. Design and develop learning programmes and processes.
  3. Facilitate and evaluate learning.
  4. Engage in and promote assessment practices.
  5. Provide learning support to learners and organisations.
  6. Conduct skills development facilitation.


  • It is assumed that practitioners have expertise in the subject/occupation field in which they intend to provide education, training and development, at a level required to engage meaningfully in ETD within that field. Further learning assumptions are specified within the associated unit standards where required.


This qualification can be achieved wholly or in part through recognition of prior learning in terms of the defined exit level outcomes and/or individual unit standards.

Evidence can be presented in various ways, including international and/or previous local qualifications, products, reports, testimonials mentioning functions performed, work records, portfolios, videos of practice and performance records.

All such evidence will be judged in accordance with the general principles of assessment and the requirements for integrated assessment.

Assessment: The purpose of the qualification is achieved via demonstration of competence in terms of the exit level outcomes, which in turn are a function of the associated unit standards. Candidates will be assessed in an integrative manner per exit level outcome according to the qualification rules.

An ETDP SETA Certificate & Statement of Achievement will be awarded to all delegates who successfully complete all portfolio requirements;


An ETDP SETA Statement of Achievement will be awarded to all delegates who successfully complete some, but not all, of the modules’ portfolio requirements. The Statement of Results will only reflect the modules successfully completed

    Occupational Directed Education Training and Development Practices

    SAQA ID: 50334
    National Certificate
    Level: 5
    Credits: 120
    Duration: 1 Year

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